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Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD) Inflammatory treatment



Inflammatory bowel disease is the complex of the diseases affecting mainly the digestive system. In this disease usually the inflammation of the digestive tract occurs. It involves the two types of diseases in it Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD). These are:

  1. Ulcerative colitis:

It mostly occurs in the colon and rectum that mostly cause there ulcers and inflammation in their internal or innermost lining. It causes the long term infection.

  • Crohn’s disease:

Crohn’s disease is characterize by the inflammation in the digestive tract that spreads deep into the affected tissue layers. It mostly causes the infection in the lower part of the small intestine and colon but also affects mouth, esophagus, stomach and anus.

IBD can show sometimes, minor or no symptoms but sometimes it cause the life-threatening complications. This article discusses the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.


Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis both are different terms but they may exhibit some of the common symptoms that may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloody stool
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Muscle spasms in the pelvic region
  • Unexplained Weight loss
  • Anemia (the most common extraintestinal symptom of the IBD)

Associated diseases with IBD are:

  • Arthritis
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Non-thyroidal illness syndrome


IBD is a complex disease that usually occurs due to the interaction between the environmental factors and genetics. These interactions lead to the negative immunological responses and inflammation in the small intestine. The causes of the inflammatory bowel disease may include:


The diet consumption is highly associate with the occurring percentage of the ulcerative colitis. The people who consume the healthy diet are at the 79% lower risk of the ulcerative colitis. Gluten-free diet intake can be the remedy for the IBD patients as it has been associated with causing irritations in the both conditions of ulcerative colitis and the crohn’s disease. High protein diet has also been associate with the onset or severity of the IBD.

Microflora dissociation:

The degradation of the healthy probiotics present in the small intestine may be one of the causes of the inflammatory bowel disease. The persons with IBD are often prescribe to use the antibiotics that further deteriorate the healthy enteral microbiota. The antibiotics may reduce the 30-50% biodiversity of the intestinal commensal bacteria.

Degraded epithelium of the intestine:

The degradation of the mucosal epithelium is one of the leading causes of the inflammatory bowel disease complications. The deterioration of the intestinal epithelium may be due the degrading microflora that is one the main risk factor of IBD. As a result of the degraded microflora, there is dys-functioning in the innate immune system that compels the body to respond to pathogens negatively and with destroying the pathogens, destroy the body cells too.


Genetics has been found to cause the onset of the inflammatory bowel disease. Those people are at the greater risk of developing IBD, those have the family history of the disease. The people that don’t have such family history may also develop the disease.


The following complications may occur in the disease:

Colon cancer: inflammatory bowel disease increase you risk of colon cancer.

Inflammation in skin, eye and joints: during IBD, the inflammation may occur in your eyes, joints (arthritis), and skin in the form of lesions.

Side-effects of medicines: the medicines used in the treatment of IBD may increase the risk of other diseases and cancers such as corticosteroids increase the risk of osteoporosis and high blood pressure and volume.

Inflame bile duct: the inflammation in the bile duct is a condition known as the sclerosing colngitis. In it the narrowing of the bile duct may occur that gradually damages the liver. It is also associate with the IBD.

Blood clots: IBD increases the risk of blood clot formation I veins and arteries.


It is diagnosed by:

  • Intestinal biopsies
  • Colonoscopy
  • Fecal calprotectin


Treatment of the disease may include:

  • Surgery: surgery cannot cure the disease but may be use to improve the symptoms such as abscesses, fistulas etc.
  • Medications:  immunosuppression drugs may be require to control the IBD. Mesalazine is more useful in ulcerative colitis than in crohn’s disease.
  • Replacement diet: the IBD can be recovere somehow by the use of such diets that would replenish the deficiencies of the nutrients that occur in IBD due to mal-absorption, diarrhea and GI blood loss. The deficiencies are mainly of B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, magnesium, zinc and selenium etc.


So, in a nutshell IBD is a very chronic inflammatory disease mainly leading to life-threatening complications. It must be diagnose and control for healthy life.

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