Side-effects of Low Quality Fat
Fats are the important components of your body and keep your brain and heart healthy. According to previous concepts, the fats were considered the bad one nutrient that may tak
you to the edge of the risky diseases. But all the fats are not bad there are only few forms of fat that are considered bad e.g saturated and trans. fats. The healthy fat group includes the polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 etc. Healthy fats are necessary for your enhanced brain function, lower the fatigue and make your mood fresh as these fats are also responsible for hormone production. Bad fats may increase the risks of heart diseases by promoting the LDL deposition in blood vessels. They also cause many other side-effects. This article will discuss about these side-effects and bad fats.
Loses fat in his body then weight loss.
What are bad fats?
Bad fats are those that contribute towards the plaque formation in your arteries. These are:
· Saturated fats
· Trans fats
Bad fats are obtained from the dietary sources such as from processed and junk foods and have the greater influence on your blood cholesterol level.
Cholesterol is also a type of fats that is influenced by the low quality fats in its level in the blood. It is of two types:
· HDL (high density lipo-proteins) ‘good cholesterol’
· LDL (low density lipo-proteins) ‘bad cholesterol’
Cholesterol is itself not a bad one nutrient but can cause harm if elevated to dangerous levels.
Effect of bad fat on the cholesterol:
Low quality fats are associated in raising the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood that is LDL that are further responsible for clogging your arteries and increasing the risks of heart disease and stroke in both brain and heart. HDL that is good cholesterol must be kept high in blood as compared to the LDL cholesterol to keep your heart and brain healthy. It can only be possible by taking the diet rich in polyunsaturated fats that promote the HDL production in the body.
Side effects of trans fats:
Trans. fats in small amounts can be found in meat and other dairy products but those obtained from artificial processed foods is really dangerous.
o It is the most harmful type of fat that not only increase the LDL cholesterol level but also lowers the HDL blood level.
o The artificial trans. fats are usually responsible for the inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke and other chronic ailments such as insulin resistance that further leads to type 2 diabetes.
o No amount of artificial fats is considered good and these must be eliminated from diet.
Sources of trans. Fats:
The food sources of trans. fats that should be avoided are:
· Processed and baked goods such as pastries, cookies, cake, pizza etc.
· Vegetable shortenings and margarine
· Fried foods (French fries, nuggets, chicken wings, fried chicken and fish etc)
· Ghee (hydrogenated vegetable oil) that is claimed to be trans-fat free even contains trans fats
· Crackers, chips and other ready to cook fried items
Side effects of saturated fats:
Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans. Fats but still can cause damage if exceeds the normal.
o As trans-fats, these can also increase the LDL cholesterol level of blood and can have negative effect on heart health thus leading to CVD’s.
o Saturated fats shouldn’t be completely cut down from diet because they are necessary for the optimum balance of fats and improved health. Their intake must be limited to 10% of the total fat intake.
Sources of saturated fats:
The diet sources of these fats include:
· Red meat
· White meat e.g chicke
. Milk
· Cream
· Cheese
· Butter
· Ice cream
So, in a nutshell fats are not all bad but there must be check on their quality to take them in moderation. Low quality fats that are trans. and saturated fats should be consumed in limited amounts. Trans fats can be completely omitted from diet but don’t cut off the saturated fats from your diet totally. You must add the healthy fats in your diet in the form of healthy oils e.g canola and olive oil that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids healthy for your heart and brain functioning.
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