Water losses from body:
- Water is an essential component for body. A man can survive without food for about one month, but in the absence of water he can survive for few days. Water is most important for our body functioning. In this article I will completely discuss about importance of water in our body, sources of water in body, and this article will focus on the Water losses from body. If you want to know completely about regulation of water in body then read this article till end.
Importance of water in our body:
Water is a very essential component of our food and living. We can survive without food for about 2 to 3 weeks but we can’t survive without water more than a few days. Water is the largest constituent of the body and from this fact we can derive its importance. More than 60% of adult human weight is water. In women the water portion is low about 45% to 55 % as compared to man because in women there are more fat than muscle mass as in men. Water also regulates the nutrient intake and wastes excretion. Most of water is held as intracellular fluid that is about 55% while the rest 45% is extracellular fluid.
Water has many vital functions in our body to play.
- It is used as constituent of every in its buildup. Fatty tissues contain the least of water about 20%, in bones its ratio is about 26%, striated muscles have 75% of water and brain is containing about 85% of it.
- It prevents the dehydration in our body and provides lubrication across the joints and between internal organs.
- It provides the aqueous environment for the proper enzyme functioning. As the enzyme requires the aqueous environment for this.
- Through perspiration and sweating it helps to regulate the human body temperature.
- It serves as a medium for the nutrients, enzymes and other chemical substances are dispersed or dissolved.
- It also provides medium for the intracellular reactions to take place.
- It participates in chemical reactions, especially in the hydrolytic reactions.
- It also helps in transportation for the nutrients to taken up and wastes excreted out of body.
If you want to know more about water and its sources in body then click on this link and visit our article:
Water losses from body:
According to some dietitian water requirement of our body varies according to climate and life style, because water loss from our body. There are three ways of water loss in our body.
- Water loss through lungs
- Water loss through Kidney in the form of urine and faeces
- Water loss in the form of sweat
Water loss through lungs:
Water losses from lungs in the form of vapors during respiration. It varies with the life style. Generally loss of water through respiration is very low, while in active life style it may increase due high rate of respiration. As well as use of water by cells is also increase due to low intake of oxygen during exercise.
Water loss through skin:
Water loss through skin in the form of sweat. It is most common cause of water loss. It varies with the change in climate as well as life style. It depends upon the temperature and humidity. Generally 4 L water loss per day in hot climate. But in active life style about 14 L water loss per day through skin. So, higher intake of water in active life style and hot climate is very important.
Water losses through Kidney:
About 1000 to 2000 ml water loss through kidney in the form of urine and about 100 to 200 ml water loss in the form faces. Do you know? A kidney filters almost 180 L water per day.
In the light of above discussion we can say that In hot climate loss of water increase so we should intake high amount of water. In active life style or during exercise loss of water increase so during exercise we should intake higher amount of water. Our kidney loss water, so we should always drink plenty of water.
If you want to know regulation of water in body then click on this link and read our article about regulation of water.
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