Relationship between Diet and diseases:
Relationship between Diet and diseases:
This article has information about Relationship between Diet and diseases. In the age of modern and fast life, we ignore our dietary pattern and become patient. Now we have need of a Dr. Who can cure us. So, Chemical medicines come in field and cure us. Is it okay? Yup, I know your answer is yes. Actually you are wrong. Chemically produced artificial medicines cannot cure you. These are only first aids. They show their side effects in the last age of life. So if we eat rationally with balance diet plan then we can loss our health.
In this article I will discuss about Rational and Irrational Behavior of diet, Monotonous diet, and some diseases that are related to the diet. If you want to know importance of diet plan in our life then read this article till end. Please read this article complete you will learn all about Relationship between Diet and diseases:
Rational and Irrational Behavior:
Psychologically there are two types of feeding behavior,
- Rational behavior
- Irrational behavior
Rational behavior:
In which we are proper aware about healthy diet. We eat according to requirement. This is not bad for health. Rational behavior is most important for proper health.
Irrational behavior:
In this type of feeding behavior we are not aware about healthy food. We will eat irrationally in some conditions such as Urophagia(Nonfood eating). Irrational behavior is responsible for unhealthy life. Some diseases are cause by irrational feeding, such as obesity, hypertension and hyperglycemia.
So, we can say that eating behavior is responsible for your health. If we want to good health then we should to be changing our dietary behavior to rational behavior.
If you want to know more about eating behavior then click on this link:
Nutritional Disorders:
There are some important nutritional disorders are give below, that may cause by irrational eating behavior. These are diet related diseases; actually diet is a major environmental influence that effect human health. These diets related disorders are given below:
Malnutrition is a very pathetic condition that slowly swallows your healthy life, dragging you toward death. It is a condition characterize under-nutrition and over-nutrition. In malnutrition our body doesn’t get enough nutrients from the diet or there is the consumption of over-doses of certain nutrients. Malnutrition is mostly treat with dietary interventions recommend or suggested world’s food guides or nutritionists. The features that are to be adopter to eradicate this evil are prevent and treat dehydration, treat low blood sugar level, control low body temperature, prevent infection, correct electrolyte imbalances and cope-over micro-nutrient deficiencies etc.
If you want to know more about Malnutrition then click on this link and visit our article about Malnutrition:
Dental caries:
It is an oral disease in which teeth become loos and weak. Their color changes from white to yellow and yellow to black. It due to acid forming bacteria that forms acid on teeth. It is most common disease in children and in diabetic patients. This is also common in conditions in which amount of saliva reduced in mouth. Dental caries is caused by formation of bacteria on the surface of teeth. They produce acid that is harmful for the weakness of teeth and dental caries. Food debris accumulates on teeth due to improper cleaning of teeth. This food is used as food for bacteria. Bacteria grow on tooth and produce acidic environment.
If you want to know more about dental caries then click on this link and visit our article about Dental caries:
Lactose intolerance:
Lactose intolerance is the disease of the digestive tract that develops in an individual due to the deficiency of lactase enzyme in the small intestine and the affected individual is unable to digest the lactose sugar present in the milk or milk related products. As a result, the person suffering from the lactose intolerance has diarrhea, bloating or gas after eating or drinking dairy products. This is the condition of lactose mal-absorption that is usually harmless but may have some uncomfortable digestive system problems. Lactose intolerance is very common and is thought to affect about 75% people around the world.
If you want to know more about Lactose intolerance then click on this link and visit our article about Lactose intolerance:
Over weight and obesity:
As we know that obesity is mother of diseases. You are healthy if you are in your normal weight. Due to irrational feeding behavior you may suffer from obesity. If your weight is higher than your ideal body weight then you are obese or over weight.
Symptoms of overweight or obesity:
If you have following signs then you are obese, in future you may suffer from heart diseases, diabetes and hypertension.
- Your weight is higher than your normal weight.
- BMI is more than 24.
- Waist circumference is more than 92 if you are male and more than 82 if you are female
- Hip circumference is more than 82 if you are male.
- You will feel tiered and fatigue in all day.
- Rate of sweating increase due to fatty skin.
- Higher storage of fat in adipose tissues.
- You may suffer from joint pain.
If you want to know completely about obesity and want to check your BMI then click on this link and visit our article about Obesity:
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to be brittle due to the degrading bone density. The minerals and calcium deposits from the bones are being depleted in this disease and there is a high risk of developing bone fracture. Bones become weak and there is a higher risk of bone breakage. It is most common in elderly people especially in the menopausal women in which the ovaries partially become non-functional. Bones that commonly break include the bones of spine, forearm and hip. Chronic pain and a decreased ability to carry out normal activities may occur after bone breakage.
At this time i hope you have many knowledge of Relationship between Diet and diseases:
- Calcium metabolism plays vital role in bone turn over.
- Deficiency of vitamin D and calcium also leads to impaired or degraded bone deposition.
Impaired secretory function of parathyroid glands also leads to osteoporosis. When parathyroid hormone is released in high amounts it removes the abnormal amounts of calcium from the bones leaving the bones degraded and brittle and adds the calcium to the blood. In this way, the bones are demineralized and there are higher risks of developing fracture.
If you want to know more about Osteoporosis then click on this link and read our article about Osteoporosis:
Cancer is a very lethal disease that is considered mostly difficult to be cured. It is usually the abnormal growth of cells and also involves the group of diseases along with. The cells usually undergo the uncontrolled growth and form lumps that may have the potential to invade and reach other tissues of the body. If the lumps don’t invade any other part of the body, it is usually known as the benign tumors but when these benign tumors start producing secondary sites and starts targeting the other body tissues the benign tumors become malignant. Cancer is such a type of disease that if not recognized in the earlier stages may lead to death. It is also a diet related disease that cause by unbalanced diet.
The common causes of cancer are tobacco, obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol and certain infections e.g caused by Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human papillomavirus infection, Epstein–Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
If you want to take complete information about cancer then click on this link and visit our article about Cancer:
Diabetes is usually such a type of condition that slowly explores on you other diseases dragging you slowly towards the death-hole. It is a very serious and chronic condition of high blood glucose level that after too much research and experimentations, it is still cure-less. Doctors have not said or disclosed anything about its cure. They only ask to control it properly through huge attention on your daily exercise and healthy diet plan.
Some important causes of diabetes are given below:
- Physical inactivity or genetic pre-deposition
- being overweight
- a family history of diabetes
- having a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level lower than 40 mg/dL or 50 mg/dL
- a history of high blood pressure
- having gestational diabetes or giving birth to a child with a birth weight of more than 9 pounds
- a history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- being more than 45 years of age
- having a sedentary lifestyle
In the light of above discussion we can say that diet plan and diseases are interlinked. If we change our dietary pattern then we can reduce risk of diseases. At last we learn about Relationship between Diet and diseases:
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