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Role of Calcium in Human Body

Role of Calcium in Human Body


Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the human body as it is a major component of the human bone structure. Calcium can also be the most essential one mineral it maintains the integrity of the human skeleton. Its absorption into the bones is promoted by the vitamin D. But its absorption can also be impair withthe increased amount of oxalic acid in body that is rich in green leafy vegetables. The other main function of calcium is the healthy functioning of muscles. It must be supplement if is deficit but the overconsumption can also cause the bloat or flatulence in the stomach.  In this article, the discussion will be about the calcium role, sources, dosage and issues related to it.

Role of calcium:

Calcium plays many important roles in human body. These may include:

  • Calcium is essential for the healthy muscle function and also of the cardiac muscles. It contributes to the muscle contraction. When a nerve impulse come and stimulates the muscle, calcium is release. It carries out the muscle contraction with the help of actin proteins of muscles. When the muscle is relaxe calcium is sent back out of muscles.
  • Calcium plays its role in the normal blood clotting helping the factors responsible for this clotting.
  • Calcium also acts as a co-factor for many enzymes carrying out the reactions in human body. Without calcium, these enzymes wouldn’t work properly.
  • Calcium also contribute in the relaxation of smooth muscles as in blood vessel.
  • It contributes in send and receive nerve signals.
  • It assists in the release of hormones and other chemicals.
  • One of its functions is oocyte activation.

Sources of calcium:

The food sources of calcium may include:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Seaweeds
  • Nuts and seeds e.g pistachio, almonds and hazelnuts
  • Beans
  • Figs
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Dandelion leaves
  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Crushed eggshells also contain calcium and can be adde to food and drinks in powder form
  • Soy milk and almon milk may also be the rich sources of calcium
  • Salmons and sardines

Other sources:


The calcium can also be provide through the supplement intake. Calcium is found in many multivitamin mineral-supplements. The amount usually varies with different supplements. Dietary supplements may contain only calcium as its ingredient or calcium with vitamin D that enhances the calcium absorption. The supplements of calcium come in the form of:

  • Calcium citrate: It is an expensive supplem well in body when the stomach is empty. It contains 21 % of elemental calcium.
  • Calcium carbonate: It is a cheap one and is absorbed well when taken with food. It contains 21 % of the elemental calcium.

Calcium is more beneficial when it is not taken more than the amount of 500 mg as a one shot.

RDA Dosage of calcium:

The RDA (recommended daily allowance) dose of the calcium on daily basis differs for different age phases, gender and conditions:

  • Breast feeding and pregnant lady should consume 1000 mg per day of calcium.
  • For 19 to 50 years age people RDA of calcium is 1000 mg per day.
  • For children and teenagers of 9 to 18 years age, RDA is 1300 mg per day.
  • // children 4-9 years, the RDA is 1000 mg per day.
  • // the infants 1-3 years, RDA of calcium is 700 mg/day.
  • this older adults more than 50 years of age. Male requires 1000 mg per day and females require 1200 mg per day.



If the calcium is consumed in excess for short period of time, it usually causes no harm. When over doses are consume for a longer period of time. It usually increases the risk of the kidney stone formation.


if the calcium is not consumed in enough amounts it can cause the condition of hypocalcemia. It can lead to the development of osteoporosis that render. The bones soft and brittle more susceptible to fractures and falls.

  • The deficiency of calcium in blood can also cause the muscle stretch and fatigue.
  • Its deficiency can also lead to malfunction of heart muscles confusing the rhythms. The skeletal muscle contraction.


In a nutshell calcium being the most abundant mineral in human body. It is essential for bone health and growth. Its deficiency or over consumption can result in many issues e.g osteoporosis and kidneys stones etc.


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