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Role of Iodine in Human body




Iodine is a mineral that is essential for normal body function. Iodine plays its major role in the production of thyroid hormones. These thyroid hormones control the body growth, metabolism, temperature regulation, repair of the damaged cells and many more. These thyroid hormones also play role in the development and function of the central nervous system, immune system and bone health. There is the utmost need of iodine pregnancy and infancy as these periods include the developmental process. Too much iodine and too low can cause the conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism respectively. The iodine deficiency may also cause a condition known as goiter. In this article, the discussion will be about the iodine role, sources, dosage and the deficiency issues related to it.

Role of iodine:                                           

Iodine’s main role in human body is the activation of the thyroid glands for the production of the active form of thyroid stimulating hormone. The other functions of iodine may include:

  • For lactating and pregnant ladies, the adequate iodine intake is very important for the proper and healthy growth of their baby’s brain and nervous system. The infants get the iodine from the breast milk but the amount of the iodine in the breast milk depend on the mother intake of iodine. For this, it has been recommended that the mothers in these conditions should take the prenatal vitamins with the amount of 150 microgram iodine per day.
  • The iodine can assist in curing or improving the symptoms of Fibrocystic breast disease. It is a condition in which a woman experiences lumpy and painful breasts. The disease may occur in women of reproductive age most but can also occur in menopausal women. Iodine supplements are found to reduce the pain in this condition.
  • Iodine enhances the cognitive function of the brains such as memory, think and learn abilities in the children. Those with the mild iodine deficiency can be at the risk of impaired cognitive function that can be treated with the intake of iodine supplements.
  • Iodine is important for the conversion of thyroid stimulate hormone into the triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) that is the active of hormone for carry out the growth and metabolism.
  • Iodine has been found effective in treating the thyroid cancer. This is used in the form of potassium iodide that acts as a thyroid blocking agent and reduce the risk of thyroid cancers.
  • Mouth inflammation can be reduced by the use of iodine mouthwash.
  • Iodine can be use to treat vaginitis.

Food Sources of iodine:

Iodine is mainl found in the sea-food but it can obtaine from supplement and from the “iodize salt”. But food is the best source of any nutrient. Iodine mineral is rich in the following food item

  • Fish
  • Seaweed
  • Clams
  • Shrimps and oysters
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt and cheese)
  • Grain products and cereals
  • Iodized salt

Other sources:


Iodine can obtain from supplements. In the supplement form, the iodine is available in:

  • Sodium iodide
  • Potassium iodide

RDA Dosage of iodine:

The RDA dosage of iodine is:

  • From the age of 14 years and above, for both male and females the recommend daily (RDA) of iodine is 150 microgram per day.
  • For pregnant lady, the RDA is 220 mcg (microgram) per day.
  • For breast feeding mother, the RDA of iodine is 290 mcg. 

Iodine Deficiency issues:


This condition is usually characterize the swelling of neck. The mechanism of the disease is such that your thyroid glands don’t get the enough iodine for the formation of thyroxine hormone and the cells multiply ad exert greater efforts for the formation of thyroxine hormone. This condition can be treated giving the supplement containing iodine. But if the condition prevail for longer perid of time, it can cause permanent thyroid damage.

The other deficiency issues:

The deficient of iodine can further cause:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Dry and scaly skin
  • Hair loss
  • Hypothermia (feeling of cold at most time)
  • Fluctuations in heart beat
  • Irregular menstrual cycles with heavy bleeding
  • Impairment in cognitive functioning


So, in a nutshell iodine, no doubt is a mineral that has a trace role in the human health but its deficiency can cause many complications. Thus, it should be consume in regular amounts health life.

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